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Container Queries and Units

By Zach Saucier on

Container queries are similar to media queries but allow you set styles based on a particular element’s current size, typically the width. This is super handy because you can write CSS in a way that gives flexibility to the layout! With @media queries, there’s a tight coupling of the styling of a component’s content and […]

Quantity Queries are Very Easy with CSS :has()

By Chris Coyier on

What is a quantity query? It’s a bit of CSS that allows you to style an element (and its descendants) based on how many children the element has. Example of a Quantity Query Situation Imagine a homepage currently showing 20 articles, more than you normally show. Maybe it’s a slow news day, and the lead […]

Light-DOM-Only Web Components are Sweet

By Chris Coyier on

First: the Light DOM is just… the regular DOM. When people talk about native Web Components, the Shadow DOM comes up a lot. I have extremely mixed feelings about the Shadow DOM. On one hand, it’s a powerful scoping tool. For example, CSS applied inside the Shadow DOM doesn’t “leak” outside, meaning you can be […]

Harness AI for Landing Page Perfection

By Paul Boag on

When we chat about AI, getting lost in a sea of buzzwords and futuristic predictions is easy. We’ve all heard the debates – will AI revolutionize our world or make our jobs obsolete? So, let’s look beyond the hype and instead look at how AI can help with the subject of my course on creating high-converting […]