Chris Coyier on

Flashy Landing Pages

I’ve had this Tweet bookmarked for months now from Brian Lovin who does a classic and well-deserved wrist-slapping of flashy design at the cost of communication. It’s all-too-easy to focus on exotic micro-interactions that will get likes on social media, but fail to communicate what a product does or tell a compelling story. Criticism of […]

Chris Coyier on

A design portfolio mistake

Matej Latin has rejected the vast majority of portfolios he’s seen in his career for one reason, a “linear design process”: By “linear design process” I mean cookie-cutter case studies that always read the same. The designer learned about a problem, conducted user interviews, created user personas, proceeded to sketches, then mockups and wireframes, made […]

Chris Coyier on

Design Engineers

The job title “Design Engineer” has been having a moment. I commented on Jim Nielsen’s takes recently. To me it makes a logical sense. The engineer aspect means they know the tech (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), and the design aspect means they are building and refining the look and experience. You don’t have to be both. […]

Chris Coyier on

The Linear Look

If there is any one web design style trend that is dominant right now, it’s The Linear Look, as Alex Trost shows off here.

Chris Coyier on

The Case For Design Engineers

I like the case Jim Nielsen makes here in Part 2 of his series on why a role of “Design Engineer” makes a lot of sense. You’re given a design with a note: the dividing line between these two containers should be interactive so the user can drag to resize the respective containers on either […]

Chris Coyier on

A UX Review of Letterboxd

I found this review of Letterboxd onboarding, ostensibly about the “Jobs to be Done” theory, really nicely done. If you’re going to critique something, this is an awfully helpful way to do it. These guys Dan Benoni and Louis-Xavier Lavallee have a bunch of these “story format” things.

Paul Boag on

Harness AI for Landing Page Perfection

When we chat about AI, getting lost in a sea of buzzwords and futuristic predictions is easy. We’ve all heard the debates – will AI revolutionize our world or make our jobs obsolete? So, let’s look beyond the hype and instead look at how AI can help with the subject of my course on creating high-converting […]

Paul Boag on

Avoiding Dark Patterns in Web Design

Do you ever feel like the web has turned into Mos Eisley, “a wretched hive of scum and villainy”? A place where anything goes as companies attempt to persuade us to click, download or buy. The web seems full of deceptive design patterns that use psychology to manipulate people into handing over personal information (also known […]