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The "Kickoff" Lesson is part of the full, Content Strategy course featured in this preview video. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson:

Kristina reviews the steps involved in a Kickoff Meeting, which is a meeting with as many project team and stakeholders as possible at the start of a project.


Transcript from the "Kickoff" Lesson

>> So that is all pre kickoff. That's before we even formally kickoff. So let's talk about kicking off. So this is what everybody should be. Typically what we like to do is we like to get as much of the team in the room as possible, whether virtually or otherwise, and we want to hear from everyone, who they are, what their role is and what their expectations are around this work that we're going to be doing.

What is this gonna solve? What is this gonna benefit? Whether it's for the larger organization or even for just for themselves? Okay? We wanna be sure that we review project scope. Managing stakeholder expectations is a huge ordeal no matter who you are, or what your role is. And the best way that you can do that is to stay in constant communication with them almost to the point that you're gonna be annoying, okay?

Clear up any kind of lexicon questions. This is a huge deal as well. For example, when I say content strategy versus content marketing or when I say wireframe versus page template versus page table, when I say metadata versus tags, right? We wanna make sure that any of those things that people are gonna be asked weigh in on that we are really clear on what, when I say this, this is what I'm talking about.

The word content is something that we often have to kind of get out there. So for example part of it that we are working on, we're working to standardize marketing content across a global organization, the processes and the guidelines. We are not going to touch their product description content or their corporate communications content.

So we had to be clear right up front, or I'm working with another company, a hotel company where we're working with their website, we are touching the property description content, but not the rooms and rates content, for example. Okay, so when you say content, tomato tomato. Explain how you're going to be sharing documents.

And then this is a huge thing that took me a while to figure out, if people ask me questions that I don't have answers to I'm really good now at saying I don't know or I know enough about that to be dangerous. And especially in project kickoffs, if they say things like, how many pieces of content will you be auditing?

And I've estimated between 2 and 500. I can say I don't know the answer to that question yet, we won't know until the situation analysis is complete, for example.

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