All Teachers / Kristina Halvorson
Kristina Halvorson

Kristina Halvorson

Brain Traffic

Kristina Halvorson is widely recognized as one of the most important voices in content strategy. She is the owner of Brain Traffic, a content strategy agency; the author of Content Strategy for the Web; and the founder of the Confab content strategy conferences. Kristina speaks worldwide about content strategy, educating and inspiring audiences across every industry. She lives in St. Paul, Minnesota with her two kids, who often get quoted on Twitter.

Kristina Halvorson's Courses

Content Strategy

Kristina Halvorson

Kristina Halvorson

Brain Traffic
Our content strategy course will teach you how to research and create an effective content strategy that helps create a cohesive voice for your website.
3 hours, 6 minutes CC
Content Strategy
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