Do I Need This Node Dependency?

By Chris Coyier on

Brian Muenzenmeyer on new(ish) things in Node: Through the efforts of contributors over several recent majors, great new features are landing. Each is useful in isolation, but put together they form a more and more comprehensive standard library. Do you need a 3rd party testing library like jest? Maybe, but there is a tester built […]

TypeScript without Build Tools

By Chris Coyier on

You can build your own TypeScript build process, and you might want to if you need true type checking and compatibility with a wider ecosystem of tools. But lots of tools, including now Node itself, just accept TypeScript as if it were JavaScript.

Make Sure You Can Switch

By Chris Coyier on

Nicholas C. Zakas on the idea that we have choice in server-side JavaScript runtimes now, and you should be careful. … it makes sense to preserve the ability to switch runtimes easily. It doesn’t matter if you want to use Node.js or Deno or Bun in production right now. What you really want is the ability […]

require(esm) in Node.js

By Chris Coyier on

Joyee Cheung made some waves in Node land last month: Since ESM was shipped in Node.js, for many years, it was possible to import cjs, but not possible to require(esm). The frustration of ERR_REQUIRE_ESM has bothered many and probably has been the primary source of wasted hours in the Node.js ecosystem. If package authors wanted to make sure that […]

Node.js Debugging in Chrome DevTools

By Chris Coyier on

I was pairing with my co-worker last week. They had a super different debugging style than I do. I’m aware that I can do fancy things in DevTools, like set breakpoints and whatnot right from within DevTools and use well-placed debugger; statements to halt JavaScript execution and inspect things at that point. But I hardly […]

Node.js: The Documentary

By Chris Coyier on

I enjoyed watching Honeypot’s recent Node.js Documentary. Props to Honeypot for taking the time and resources to do these historical dives into some of our industries most major technologies. I like seeing the human side of these things. I feel like if too much more time passed, documentaries like these would get a lot harder […]

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