Popovers Work Pretty Nicely as Slide-Out Drawers
Especially on mobile, the slide-out drawer UI/UX seems like a perfect fit for a popover, and works fine on desktop too.
Especially on mobile, the slide-out drawer UI/UX seems like a perfect fit for a popover, and works fine on desktop too.
Michelle Barker’s technique for popover footnotes is great. Here we look at ways we could fight the content duplication. There are ups and downs.
There were over 20,000 respondents in 2023. Key findings include the popularity of the datalist feature and discontent with form elements, especially styling issues. There’s mixed sentiment about web components, a desire for new HTML elements like datatables, and signs that the divide between HTML/CSS and JavaScript may be narrowing.
The State of HTML 2023 Results are out! I thought this survey was more interesting to take than reading these results. It’s not that the results aren’t interesting. I’m almost impressed by how low the “used it” percentages are for certain features, like less than half of people have used a <details>?? And 28% are […]
A very basic step-by-step guide of exactly how to do it for static files like .html, .css, and .js files.
We can *mostly* use HTML alone for this API. But here, we’ll use CSS to style the “links” within paragraphs and a JS library to position them, in lieu of CSS anchoring.
Let’s build a search form that looks like this: That feels like the absolute bowl-it-down-the-middle search form right now. Looks good but nothing fancy. And yet, coding it in HTML and CSS I don’t think is perfectly intuitive and makes use of a handful of decently modern and slightly lesser used features. The Label-Wrapping HTML […]
I feel like I’ve always been in the minority on this: I don’t think you should use target=”_blank” on links. Unless you have a very good reason, that is, like there is currently-playing media that would stop, or a user has unsaved work you don’t want to interrupt. But I find that most people disagree, and have their own philosophy.
Jermey Keith visited a school doing this exact project, and I thought it was a great idea for learning: There’s a specific module his students are partaking in that’s right up my alley. They’re given a PDF inheritance-tax form and told to convert it for the web. You could make doing this job really well […]
I admit I went pretty far in my web development career without understanding that Streamed HTML is a thing. And while I’m admitting things, I’m still not 100% sure when it’s an ideal solution and how best to take advantage of it. But knowing is half the battle sometimes, so let me get into some […]
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