“Why does this have to be a modal?”

By Chris Coyier on

It’s not that modals are all automatically bad, it’s that, as Adrian Egger says, “modals are the crutch of the inarticulate design and developer” and they “are easily replaced with other patterns that are less jarring.” on the dedicated site for this crusade: modalzmodalzmodalz.com. Adrian’s personal site is sweet, too.

::details-content Looks Helpful

By Chris Coyier on

The HTML for a <details> element is generally something like: See how I put two <p> elements in there? That’s totally fine. Everything that isn’t the <summary> is visually hidden until the <details> is open, either via the open attribute or the summary is clicked/tapped. So if you’re trying to select “all the content”, you’re […]

Here’s What We Learned From the First State of HTML Survey

By Sacha Greif on

There were over 20,000 respondents in 2023. Key findings include the popularity of the datalist feature and discontent with form elements, especially styling issues. There’s mixed sentiment about web components, a desire for new HTML elements like datatables, and signs that the divide between HTML/CSS and JavaScript may be narrowing.

State of HTML 2023 Results

By Chris Coyier on

The State of HTML 2023 Results are out! I thought this survey was more interesting to take than reading these results. It’s not that the results aren’t interesting. I’m almost impressed by how low the “used it” percentages are for certain features, like less than half of people have used a <details>?? And 28% are […]

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