
Python Courses

Python is a widely used programming language for web development and data analysis. Learn about Python through a variety of courses and resources Frontend Masters.

Practical Guide to Python

In this Python course, you're going to learn how to structure your programs with functions, loops, logic, and objects and end the course using the Django framework.
4 hours, 58 minutes CC
Practical Guide to Python
drag handle

A Practical Guide to Machine Learning with TensorFlow 2.0 & Keras

Learn Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and AI through hands-on examples of image categorization, image manipulation, and text analytics.
5 hours, 22 minutes CC
A Practical Guide to Machine Learning with TensorFlow 2.0 & Keras
drag handle

Intermediate Python

Utilize comprehensions to manipulate large quantities of data, Python's OO system, how to approach error handling, and how to utilize a web framework in your application.
4 hours, 37 minutes CC
Intermediate Python
drag handle

Python Fundamentals

Create and run simple Augment Python programs, including working with the available data types, writing functions and classes, and much more. Read more!
4 hours, 40 minutes CC
Python Fundamentals
drag handle