Introduction to HTML

Headings Q&A

Jen Kramer

Introduction to HTML

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The "Headings Q&A" Lesson is part of the full, Introduction to HTML course featured in this preview video. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson:

Jen explains heading tags in the context of the webpage.


Transcript from the "Headings Q&A" Lesson

>> Jen: Ryan just asked a question about headings. And he asked the question about, what headings should be used with which lists? So in other words, here on my Hobbies page I have an h1 up here on the top, and then I have some paragraphs. Yeah, and then I have my list of hobbies.

Here on my homepage, I have an h2 for my make my peanut butter, and jelly sandwich, right? So Ryan is asking, what heading should be use with the list? And the answer is, it depends. Which is the multimillion dollar consulting answer to all things. Just look thoughtful and say, it depends, and make millions.

So what's gonna matter here is in the structure of your document. Where is this list occurring, and what function is it performing, right? So in this case, we already had a title of our web page, each one all about me, up here towards the top. And then further down on the page, we put in an h2, to describe this part of our page, the section of the web page.

And then we have an h2 down here that talks about some links. Yeah, okay, so if I have another, sub section here under links, let's say h3.
>> Jen: H3, and this is gonna be more links, but it's gonna be a subsection of my links, right? So my favorite music links, they're part of my links.

These just happen to be, my favorite music links. So this is now in h3, and maybe I have a list under this about with a whole bunch of links to my favorite music websites. And it's under that, then I have an h4, my favorite classical music websites, yeah?

And then we can go to an h5.
>> Jen: My favorite Beethoven music websites. And then we can go to h6.
>> Jen: My favorite websites about Beethoven's 9th Symphony. See, how I made that more, and more, and more specific? It's just like headings that you use all the time when writing papers in English or anything else, right?

So you can have a whole series of these. In practice, you rarely get past an h3 on a web page, okay? It would be a pretty detailed page to actually get all the way down to an h6.
>> Speaker 2: Does the a tag have to be in another tag, usually, or it can stand-

>> Jen: The a tag can stand by itself. You could have an a tag just sitting on out there in space, as a link by itself. But it is typically inside of something else, yes?
>> Speaker 3: Blank lines like 26 and 28 don't mean anything, do they?
>> Jen: They don't mean anything, that is a great question.

So the question was about some of these blank lines that I have in my HTML. And the fact that they are not reflected, let me save my page. They're not reflected at all in the web page that I have, going on over here on the side. Are they?

Okay? So you can have as many spaces and as many returns as you want inside of your HTML, they have no reflection at all whatsoever on your webpage. In fact, if we were To just sort of hold down the space key for a while. You might think that we're going to have peanut butter, and then we're going to wait for a long time for and jelly, aren't we?

Okay? But if we take a look at our web page, there's actually no effect at all here. So HTML Is not affected by your spaces. The first space yes, the second space and beyond, not so much doesn't care about him.
>> Speaker 2: What if you untap two spaces there?

>> Jen: If you wanna have two spaces, there's an actual code for making additional spaces, we'll get to that later.

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