2023 JavaScript Rising Stars

By Chris Coyier on

JavaScript Rising Stars is interesting to look at year after year because of the simple methodology of measuring how many more GitHub Stars a project gets year after year. A project like React with a massive amount of star-based popularity isn’t guaranteed to top the list, and in fact this year clocks in at #7. […]

Million.js 3.0

By Chris Coyier on

Million.js caught my eye a few months back because of the big claim it makes: Make React 70% faster. I ended up listening to a podcast with the creator, and the meat of it is: it removes the need for “diffing” the virtual DOM that React uses when re-rendering to find what needs to change, which […]

The Two Reacts

By Chris Coyier on

A nice bit of writing from Dan Abramov in which he argues for code that should run on the client, and then again for code that should run on the server. It feels like an elaborate setup to explain React Server Components in a part two. Is there some way we could split components between […]

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