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By Adam Rackis on

If it can go in a Docker, Fly can host it, and they’ll help you with that. Adam Rackis takes a look at the platform and shows off all the things he likes about it.

Drizzle Database Migrations

By Adam Rackis on

Drizzle ORM is a powerful object-relational mapper that combines SQL capabilities with a strongly typed API, enabling complex queries. Here we’ll look at using it’s ability to help with migrations, both code-first and database-first.

The Logical Border Radius Equivalents

By Chris Coyier on

I find this hard to remember and it’s come up for me a few times lately so I’m writing it down gosh darn it! The individual corner border-radius values, like border-top-right-radius (which is hard enough to remember on its own) have logical property versions, meaning that should the flow of the document change, the border […]