A Color Input That Also Shows the Value
For who-knows-what reason color inputs only show a color swatch, not a string representation of the color. Let’s see if we can fix that.
For who-knows-what reason color inputs only show a color swatch, not a string representation of the color. Let’s see if we can fix that.
Bluesky is enjoying a boon in popularity. The API access right now is nicely open, allowing people to create some interesting stuff around it. I like this idea from Matt Kane: a Web Component (<bluesky-comments>) that loads up all the replies to any particular post like a comment thread. Imagine there is a post for […]
“… props that match a property on the Custom Element instance will be assigned as properties, otherwise they will be assigned as attributes.”
These custom video (and audio) players are very nice. I like how the accommodate narrow/vertical video players and work with any video provider (even YouTube).
The other day I needed to quickly see pixel dimensions that were exactly in a 9 / 16 aspect ratio. Like: 180 / 320. That’s perfectly in that ratio. You might be able to think of that one in your head, but how about 351 / 624? That’s harder to think of. And I wanted […]
I thought the Bytes newsletter #326 did a good job of showing the different between a “normal” web component and a “declarative shadow DOM” web component. (Quick ports of the former and latter). Declarative shadow DOM is the web components story for “server-side rendering” (SSR). All the visual stuff needed to render the component is […]
There is a meta conversation of “Web Components are very definitely going to be around 10 years from now while any JavaScript framework today will not” is worth considering, but pits the two directly against each other when we really don’t need to.
Ahmad Shadeed on CSS display: contents; — a feature that makes the DOM pretend that element just isn’t there (but it’s children are). Anything you use it for requires specific accessibility testing, but it can be quite useful. There are lots of use-cases here many of which boil down to “sometimes I want all these […]
Which one makes more sense to use, big and slow or small and fast? Especially with the same appearance and functionality, the youtube-lite component is a no-brainer.
A “stand alone” Web Component is a Web Component that provides some design or functionality but that has little by way of dependencies, strong opinions, or heavy design. In other words, Web Components that could easily imagine sliding into any project without much trouble.
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