Cool People Link to Text Fragments

By Chris Coyier on

Just in case you didn’t know, you don’t need a page to have ID’s on elements anymore in order to jump down to a particular place. We’ve reached support across all major browsers to link to Text Fragments, like: The #:~: syntax is kinda funky, but here we are, and it’s not too hard […]

CSS Wishlist for 2025

By Chris Coyier on

Hey we might as well spill out all these wishes as the CSS feature train has been rolling and we oughta get while the getting is good.

Easing Wizard

By Chris Coyier on

I’ve seen other websites for helping you generate cubic-bezier() values in CSS for animations and transitions, but Easing Wizard is the best. Importantly, it helps you with the newer linear() style timings as well, which are more powerful. All the different types, the presets, the customization options, the different styles of previews, the clean design… […]

CSS text-box

By Chris Coyier on

Safari is first to drop text-box in CSS, which plenty of people are excited for as it takes care of aligning text in many cases without the use of fragile magic numbers. They say: Now you can declare which font metric you want the browser to consider the edge of the text box when calculating […]


By Chris Coyier on

A “game” where you enter the right CSS to move to the next level, teaching you CSS anchor positioning along the way. In the vein of Flexbox Froggy, which I know clicked with a ton of people. Made by Thomas Park, who’s company Codepip actually makes a ton of these experiences.

Did you know?

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