
By Chris Coyier on

A “game” where you enter the right CSS to move to the next level, teaching you CSS anchor positioning along the way. In the vein of Flexbox Froggy, which I know clicked with a ton of people. Made by Thomas Park, who’s company Codepip actually makes a ton of these experiences.

Automatically Contrasted Colors

By Chris Coyier on

What is a good contrast text color on a black background? White. What about on a white background? Black. What about on #f06d06? Less clear. Devon Govett posted a good trick to having CSS pick for you, which works across browsers today. Lea Verou has a much deeper dive. There is supposed to be a […]

background-clip: border-area;

By Chris Coyier on

Jen Simmons introduces the hot-off-the-presses background-clip: border-area; which can produce some pretty compelling and real-world designs with a few lines of sensible CSS. I suspect our recent background-clip trickery would be simplified with this new value because we wouldn’t have to put a fake background over the padding-box to get the effect.

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