Frontend to Fullstack Monthly #14 – The state of HTML in 2024

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We’re back with Frontend to Fullstack Monthly #14 – new courses, updates, and all the industry’s latest news! Frontend Masters Boost (From this Blog) This month, Boost welcomed new writers sharing essential tools, technology, and modern browser features: For beginners: Frontend Masters Courses We launched four new courses: We have recorded a ton of courses […]

New Course: Modern CSS Layouts with CSS Grid

By Frontend Masters Staff on

To quote Chris Coyier from his recent post, Modern CSS Features You Need to Know: Given CSS’s ever-evolving capabilities, having a robust understanding allows you to build better-looking, higher-performing, and more accessible websites. And Jen Kramer’s new course Ultimate CSS Grid & Layout Techniques will level-up your layout skills and take you beyond the basics with Grid, Flexbox, […]

Top 20 Frontend & Fullstack Courses (May 2024)

By Frontend Masters Staff on

Here is a list of popular courses on Frontend Masters for May 2024. Deep JavaScript fundamentals, React, and TypeScript continue to be incredibly popular. We’re proud that our community values learning the deep fundamentals—investing in core skills pays off for your entire career. As new tools and techniques evolve, it is much easier to stay […]

Go on AWS Course (and Podcast Interview with Melkey)

By Frontend Masters Staff on

You may have noticed that the website is fast. We use Go on the backend and a small amount of vanilla JavaScript where it’s needed on the front-end. Our CTO chose Go because of its speed and simplicity. What’s not as simple is the AWS infrastructure behind the scenes. Sure, this diagram looks simple […]

The Front End Developer/Engineer Handbook 2024 — A Guide to Modern Web Development

By Frontend Masters Staff on

We just released the highly anticipated Frontend Handbook 2024, by Cody Lindley! The handbook provides an in-depth overview of the skills, tools, and technologies necessary to excel as a front-end developer / engineer. With 38,000 words of practical knowledge and advice, it covers the core technologies—HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—and how they form the foundation of […]