Our interfaces havelost their senses
Amelia Wattenberger asks in a wonderful blog post wondering about more human interfaces: Can we build something richer—something that moves with us, speaks our language, and molds to our bodies?
Amelia Wattenberger asks in a wonderful blog post wondering about more human interfaces: Can we build something richer—something that moves with us, speaks our language, and molds to our bodies?
A nice tool for generating mesh gradients from Erik D. Kennedy. You might call it a bit of a trend, but as Erik pointed out in a recent newsletter, they can be quite versatile because it’s just a nice background look that doesn’t demand anything in particular from the brand.
David Darnes asks: Is 2025 the Year of the ‘Design Engineer’? It’s arguably a bit of a new term and being used more and more as a job title. Like most job titles, it doesn’t have the strongest agreed upon definition, but it’s honing in around the front end and essentially a designer who can […]
With CSS’ `image-rendering: pixelated;` we can keep HTML images that have pixelated look anyway quite sharp looking, and possibly more performant to boot.
It’s not that modals are all automatically bad, it’s that, as Adrian Egger says, “modals are the crutch of the inarticulate design and developer” and they “are easily replaced with other patterns that are less jarring.” on the dedicated site for this crusade: modalzmodalzmodalz.com. Adrian’s personal site is sweet, too.
Figma has support for variables, and they work with the various typography features you may want to set. For instance, you could create a variable called “Header Font” with a value of “Ideal Sans” and use it in many places.
Danila Fedorin’s article about unique UX features in blogs is fun. Here’s some extra thoughts, resources, and opinions.
I feel like I haven’t seen a really nice web design inspiration gallery in a while so Design Spells is really doing it for me. Design details that feel like magic. I think it’s the focus on websites. 😍
Let’s say you don’t know JavaScript. You’re a web designer and you’re focused largely on UI and UX. Let’s look at some things you could learn in a day that will give you that bang for the buck.
I’ve had this Tweet bookmarked for months now from Brian Lovin who does a classic and well-deserved wrist-slapping of flashy design at the cost of communication. It’s all-too-easy to focus on exotic micro-interactions that will get likes on social media, but fail to communicate what a product does or tell a compelling story. Criticism of […]
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