Mesh Gradient Generator

By Chris Coyier on

A nice tool for generating mesh gradients from Erik D. Kennedy. You might call it a bit of a trend, but as Erik pointed out in a recent newsletter, they can be quite versatile because it’s just a nice background look that doesn’t demand anything in particular from the brand.

“Why does this have to be a modal?”

By Chris Coyier on

It’s not that modals are all automatically bad, it’s that, as Adrian Egger says, “modals are the crutch of the inarticulate design and developer” and they “are easily replaced with other patterns that are less jarring.” on the dedicated site for this crusade: Adrian’s personal site is sweet, too.

Design Spells

By Chris Coyier on

I feel like I haven’t seen a really nice web design inspiration gallery in a while so Design Spells is really doing it for me. Design details that feel like magic. I think it’s the focus on websites. 😍

Flashy Landing Pages

By Chris Coyier on

I’ve had this Tweet bookmarked for months now from Brian Lovin who does a classic and well-deserved wrist-slapping of flashy design at the cost of communication. It’s all-too-easy to focus on exotic micro-interactions that will get likes on social media, but fail to communicate what a product does or tell a compelling story. Criticism of […]

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