:has() is “The God Selector”

By Chris Coyier on

I’m such a :has() selector fanboy in CSS. We’ve covered it many times. But Bruce Lawson goes as far as to call it “The God Selector” because: [It] is omnipotent because it doesn’t require any structural relationship between the thing being checked and the thing being styled. In other words, you can select any element […]

CSS-in-JS Round 2

By Chris Coyier on

Good observation in Bytes: … new CSS-in-JS libraries are popping up like it’s 2017 all over again. Panda came out last summer, Meta open-sourced StyleX in December, Material UI released PigmentCSS last month, and Restyle just launched a few weeks ago. It’s likely that server-side rendering screwed up the original “batch” of these tools. That, and, ya know, just using CSS is […]

Single CSS Keyframe Tricks are Magic

By Chris Coyier on

What happens with a CSS @keyframe animation like this when called? There is only one “keyframe” there at 50%. So what happens at 0% through the animation? The scale property is… whatever it already was. And at 100%? Back to whatever it already was. Assuming the default scale of 1, it will grow the element […]

Masonry and reading order

By Chris Coyier on

Two months back there was a bit of a hubbub about masonry layout in CSS with Jen at Apple making a case and Rachel at Google agreeing those use cases would be great, but should be based on display: masonry; not display: grid;. Then: nothing. Web standards just move at the pace that it moves […]

Nesting/Overriding Properties in CSS

By Chris Coyier on

Some things you just can’t undo in CSS. But, perhaps unintuitively, that does work with visibility. Ben Nadel makes the point that pointer-events is another one of those properties that allows you to “undo” what a parent has set. It’s like pointer-events just cascades down to descendent elements and you override it, but some properties […]

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