Custom Property Fallbacks
This post starts with quite a tricky little quiz about what a color value resolves to be.
This post starts with quite a tricky little quiz about what a color value resolves to be.
Seriously almost every “menu” and “tooltip” could and should use this when it’s ready.
You can pluck off values from HTML attributes that actually have types now, so if you put data-font-size=”2.2rem” on an element you could actually, ya know, honor that.
For who-knows-what reason color inputs only show a color swatch, not a string representation of the color. Let’s see if we can fix that.
::selection is cool, but scoping it to selectors like :nth-child(5n+2) is even more fun, especially on a love filled ay like Valentine’s Day.
I think it’s fun to take stock of the tools we use as developers. You know, so we can look back and laugh at our primitive setups. And actually, to inspire you to share yours so I can steal all your better tools. Here’s a rundown of stuff I use, focused mostly on literal apps […]
All sorts of great stuff coming up for all our members. Intermediate React, Complete Go, CSS Basics, TypeScript Monorepos, and so much more.
There is some low-hanging web performance fruit with images. Serving them in the right format, from a CDN, with the right HTML can be a big perf win.
The & is a powerful addition to CSS, allowing us to craft selectors without repetition and helping organization and understanding.
The typical approach for these inputs is using multiple HTML inputs, one for each character. But is that a good idea?
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