
Web Components are Bad, Good, and OK

  • Papa bear’s porridge is hot. Web Components Are Not the Future: “Web Components possibly pose the biggest risk to the future of the web that I can see.” — Ryan Carniato
  • Mama bear’s porridge is cool. Web Components Are Not the Future — They’re the Present: “If you’re convinced that your way is the best and only way, it’s natural to feel disenchanted when a decision is made that you don’t fully agree with.” — Cory LaViska
  • Baby bear’s porridge is jusssst right. Web components are okay: “I find these debates a bit tiresome. I think the fundamental issue, as I’ve previously said, is that people are talking past each other because they’re building different things with different constraints.” — Nolan Lawson
  • There is a meta conversation of “Web Components are very definitely going to be around 10 years from now while any JavaScript framework today will not” is worth considering, but pits the two directly against each other when we really don’t need to.

Learn to Work with Web Components

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Dave Rupert's course on Web Components will get you entirely up to speed on this powerful native web platform technology. As Dave says, it's HTML with Superpowers.

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