
Masonry Feedback, Round 2

After the big shakeup with masonry layout recently (Apple: Make it part of display: grid;! / Google: Make it display: masonry;! / Me: I’ve got questions and I’d rather see tabbing order issues fixed first), I was very keen to hear where it would go. It took 5 months, but we’ve got movement.

The CSS Working Group has combined the two CSS masonry proposals into one draft specification. The group hopes that this will make it easier to compare the two, and make a final decision. The Chrome team still believes that a separate masonry syntax would be the best way to proceed.

I admit I find it a bit brain-bending and mostly don’t care which way it goes. Both Geoff and Miriam have fantastic overviews and also both stop short of a strong opinion either way. To keep it spicy, I have a slight preference for keeping it in grid, as adding four new properties for this relatively niche layout need feels like a bit much, even if it does complicate grid by existing. Rachels feels strongly the other way.

Wanna learn modern CSS layout?

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Laying out designs on the web with CSS has gotten a lot more powerful in recent years. CSS grid, flexbox, and container queries are incredibly powerful tools for that, and we have a complete learning course on them from Jen Kramer.

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