More people will move from Sass to PostCSS + cssnext.
Lots more HTTP2 and HTTPS.
Web components will continue to lurk and wait for significant traction by developers that might never come to be.
The no framework, framework, faction will gain momentum (see Svelte).
JavaScript will settle, and hopefully, CSS will erupt and everyone will cry fatigue until it settles.
Hatred for apps store will grow, while the open web has no memory of wrong doing.
Redux will continue to get stiff competition (see mobx).
YARN will win more users.
The idea of “front-end apps”, “Thick Client apps”, “Static apps”, “No Backend app”, “SPA's”, “Front-end driven app” might get boiled down to the term/concept called "JAM Stack".
While bower is maintained, it's recommend to use yarn and webpack for new front-end projects.