I find this hard to remember and it’s come up for me a few times lately so I’m writing it down gosh darn it!
The individual corner border-radius
values, like border-top-right-radius
(which is hard enough to remember on its own) have logical property versions, meaning that should the flow of the document change, the border radius values should come along for the ride.
border-top-right-radius | border-start-end-radius |
border-top-left-radius | border-start-start-radius |
border-bottom-right-radius | border-end-end-radius |
border-bottom-left-radius | border-end-start-radius |
(By “equivalent” I mean the these turn out the same in left-to-right, top-to-bottom languages like English, Spanish, French, etc. In other directional situations, these are not equivalent, which is kinda the point.)
The syntax is:
border-[block direction]-[inline direction]-radius
You’d choose the logical versions if you were using border-radius on elements where the flow was relevant. Here’s an example of a “tag” shape on some inline text, and you’d potentially want the direction to flip.

If border-radius is being applied entirely as an aesthetic thing and it makes more sense to apply physical directionality rather than text-flow directionality, which is entirely common, feel free to use the classic properties.
I feel these newer logical properties for border-radius took an understandability hit, as while “border-top-right-radius” is hard to remember because of trying to remember the right order of the words, at least once you’ve got it, it’s clear where that radius is going to apply. Whereas with “border-start-end-radius” you just have to know (or guess and test) which direction “start” applies to and which direction “end” applies to.
Something like border-inline-start-block-end-radius
would solve that, but I do understand that is an awfully long property name and might suffer from confusion. If someone accidentally mentally grouped it like “border-inline” “start-block” “end-radius”, that’s, uh, a meaningless jumble.
There is an interesting gotcha Michelle Barker found in Logical Border Radius with vertical writing modes, so if that comes up for you read what she’s got to say there.
The logical syntax definitely trips me up at times, but once you know what the syntax is, it gets… slightly less awkward to write/look at. Which by the way, it should show the syntax the other way around, right?
LOL. I screwed it up IN A BLOG POST 100% DEDICATED TO TRYING TO EXPLAIN IT. ☠️. It’s fixed above now.
These alternatives are much less intuitive to me.
In fact, they’re meaningless.
End start? Really?
I appreciate you’re trying to improve CSS and that so-called ‘logical’ wording is being introduced elsewhere. But CSS has used top right bottom left forever. The benefit is it’s exactly the same regardless of text direction.
So-called ‘logical’ in this case is just semantics.
One person’s perception of what is semantically more ‘logical’ than another’s.
Let’s not portray one person’s semantic intuition as ‘illogical’ because it’s not the same as another person’s.
Perhaps a solution that would be more confident with the rest of CSS would be too implement the ‘missing’
equivalent of themargin
shortcut syntax .We’ve never been able to do this:
border-radius: [left-corners] [right-corners]
… with …
… for setting the properties of just one individual side.
Rather than getting caught up in this start / end nightmare, the demo use case could be solved very easily with a shortcut syntax
never had but has always been missed (well, at least by the little black duck).If the “we can’t be politically correct unless we go and use ‘logical’ words [instead of literal words, which is what I think everyone’s been trying to portray their arguments as when using the word ‘logical’ whilst actually presenting ‘semantic’ variations] to cater for RTL and stop being singularly LTR ist” crowd insists, these
semantic preferences can be aliased to the “margin/padding
-esque two-unit shortcuts forborder-radius
we mysteriously never got in the first place”.Having said all that, I’ve been known to use the compass, anyway. North, south, east, west for logical AND literal.