Introducing TanStack Start
TanStack Start enhances the TanStack Router by adding a server layer that improves performance through server-side rendering (SSR) and isomorphic loaders.
TanStack Start enhances the TanStack Router by adding a server layer that improves performance through server-side rendering (SSR) and isomorphic loaders.
I thought the Bytes newsletter #326 did a good job of showing the different between a “normal” web component and a “declarative shadow DOM” web component. (Quick ports of the former and latter). Declarative shadow DOM is the web components story for “server-side rendering” (SSR). All the visual stuff needed to render the component is […]
Vercel published an article with research on how Google Bots deal with client-side JavaScript. People assume that sites that are JavaScript-rendered only are worse for SEO and worry about that. Which is entirely reasonable, as Google themselves warns you that there are limitations with client-side rendering and “some pages may encounter problems with content not […]
A nice bit of writing from Dan Abramov in which he argues for code that should run on the client, and then again for code that should run on the server. It feels like an elaborate setup to explain React Server Components in a part two. Is there some way we could split components between […]
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