
By Chris Coyier on

CSS can truncate text on a single line or on multiple lines, but it always does so from the end of the text. I’ve seen a (bad) trick reversing the text direction to trim text from the front instead, but never from the middle. Christian Heilmann wrote a package to help with this. I agree […]

TypeScript without Build Tools

By Chris Coyier on

You can build your own TypeScript build process, and you might want to if you need true type checking and compatibility with a wider ecosystem of tools. But lots of tools, including now Node itself, just accept TypeScript as if it were JavaScript.

Loading Data with TanStack Router: Getting Going

By Adam Rackis on

TanStack Router is one of the most exciting projects in the web development ecosystem right now, and it doesn’t get nearly enough attention. It’s a fully fledged client-side application framework that supports advanced routing, nested layouts, and hooks for loading data. Best of all, it does all of this with deep type safety. This post […]

Js13kGames 2024 Winners

By Chris Coyier on

If video game development appeals to you on your journey into design and development, you should check out js13kGames, a “coding competition for web game developers, with a 13KB size limit.” The 2024 winners were recently announced, and I find the lot of them outstanding. 13KB is a heck of a constraint. jQuery is like 30k lol. So […]

New in ECMAScript 2024

By Chris Coyier on

Paweł Grzybek has a succinct overview of the new things in JavaScript this year, including credit to the people involved. I find it interesting to consider features in the recent light of the JS0/JSSugar proposal/drama. Looking at these features, which ones would be “real language” features (JS0) and which could be processed away (JSSugar)? I […]

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