What Software Developer Skills Should You Focus on Leading Into 2025?
Let’s have a look at the skills that we find are in-demand today and provide a variety of options for leveling up and ensuring your career is headed upward.
Let’s have a look at the skills that we find are in-demand today and provide a variety of options for leveling up and ensuring your career is headed upward.
Gradient text is pretty easy to do these days with `background-clip: text;` — but it kills your ability to use `text-shadow`. SVG to the rescue.
JavaScript Frameworks generally do a lot of DOM handling for you, but doing it yourself can be the most performant option, and there are quite a few best practices.
Today, I did some maintenance work on a Next.js course website (we have tons of them built on Next.js), and I thought to myself: “Wow, this framework has been around for a long time and continues to evolve. It is certainly not a one-hit-wonder.” For context, I’m generally more of a purist, opting to use […]
I’m a huge proponent of open source, and here at Frontend Masters, we’re constantly looking for ways to support and promote various projects. Whether it’s through creating courseware for new projects, teaching our students how to work with them, engaging with maintainers, or even donating directly to some projects. In fact, since 2019, we’ve donated […]
“Reactivity” is how systems react to changes in data. There are many types of reactivity, but for this article, reactivity is when data changes, you do things.
I took a shot at coding TodoMVC with modern (ES6+), vanilla JavaScript, and it only took ~170 lines of code and just over an hour! Compare this to the old/official TodoMVC vanilla JS solution, which has over 900 lines of code. An 80%+ reduction in code! I ❤️ the new state of JavaScript. The code has received […]
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