An alternative proposal for CSS masonry

Chris Coyier Chris Coyier on

I wrote in my masonry proposal feedback:

Are there any more fleshed out alternative proposals?

I thought Jen presented strongly that CSS grid is a great place to put masonry layout, but also that it wasn’t arguing against anything else. Rachel Andrew has that “anything else”, which is display: masonry; with more explanation. What’s nice is that it’s not limiting:

 All of the demos in the WebKit post would still be possible.

I assume we’d lose subgrid… (e.g. sharing columns on an element that spans multiple columns) but if it’s the case and otherwise we can do every other thing Jen laid out… then as much as it’s fun to watch two of the biggest companies in the world blogfight, I kinda don’t care which way it goes.

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One response to “An alternative proposal for CSS masonry”

  1. Nope, a subgrid in a masonry (or a theoretical submasonry, in a Grid or a Masonry) are both still possible under our display: masonry proposal.

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