A Color Input That Also Shows the Value

Chris Coyier Chris Coyier on

It’s awfully nice that HTML provides a native color picker. Activating the input opens up a color picker (either the OS-provided one or something the browser provides), allows you to pick a color, and changes the input’s value to that color1.

Here’s what that’s like in macOS Chrome:

The UI varies, but in all cases it doesn’t actually show you the color value you’ve picked when the picker is closed. I think that’s… weird? What if the input is part of a form in which you actually have a valid color you want to put in yourself? Or copy the value out of?

I thought of this while I was looking at Adam Argyle’s color-mix() tool. It’s a great tool, but it made me wish I could just type or paste in a color rather than having to use the picker.

I figured I’d toss together a Web Component that would actually display the color. We could call it an HTML web component as it starts with perfectly valid HTML (which you can customize as needed) then you wrap it in a custom element to extend the functionality and/or UI. In this the thing that displays the color is an <input type="text">, because that works both to show it, and can accept a value that can propagate back to the color input.

That basically does what I was picturing. This keeps it all Light DOM so it would be quite easy to style and customize. Since could be used inside a <form>, you might need to fiddle with ElementInternals so that the input can participate in the form as expected. Since there are now two inputs that essentially have the same value, it’s likely you’ll only want one to submit as form data.

But my example there, like native color inputs themselves, deals exclusively in HEX colors. I was hoping that the text input could deal in any sort of valid color format.

Erick Merchant had a clever idea where the color from the text input is coerced into a HEX for the benefit of the color input, but otherwise accepts and valid color value. Try putting oklch(64.26% 0.3059 332) into this:

Pretty clever if you ask me! It won’t handle transparency, so that’s something to consider for sure, but otherwise seems to do a pretty good job. I’d be tempted to take the color inputs value in a form generally, as it has automatic validation to ensure it’s a valid color. But in the case of this second demo, I’d be tempted to take the text input value instead since it honors the original intention of the color, albeit very hard to validate.

  1. It would be extremely cool if OS color pickers supported formats other than HEX as well as P3-and-beyond color spaces, but that’s a topic for another day. ↩︎

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3 responses to “A Color Input That Also Shows the Value”

  1. pd says:

    Although it falls back gracefully to the default colour picker, FWIW, this does nothing but that on Windows in Firefox ESR.

  2. mchellest says:

    Nice component! Working in the React space, I rarely see html components so it’s nice to see an example.
    I use color pickers often and always look for one that can actually give me a hex value but have never thought of inputting a color value into the input to see the color so that’s neat, especially seeing it work from oklch input! I can see it being useful when learning how each parameter of oklch/rgb/hsl/etc affects the color.

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