What I’ve learned about writing AI apps so far

Chris Coyier Chris Coyier on

Some plain-language baby-bear porridge writing from Laurie Voss:

Is what you’re doing taking a large amount of text and asking the LLM to convert it into a smaller amount of text? Then it’s probably going to be great at it. If you’re asking it to convert into a roughly equal amount of text it will be so-so. If you’re asking it to create more text than you gave it, forget about it.

My own thought: when people say there are writing an AI app, we’re still in a stage where that feels exotic and magical and at the cutting edge of technology. And in a way, it is. But very few people are actually creating AI, most of us are using AI. So writing an AI app is more like… writing an API app. You’re figuring out the best APIs to use, what/when to send them that yields the best results, and how to show those results to the user.

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