12 Days of Web

By Chris Coyier on

Shoutout to Stephanie Eckles’ 12 Days of Web advent blogging this year. I found each article fresh and with good information, a real standout to me. Just one day left but of course you can read them anytime.

Guest Writing

By Chris Coyier on

A quick reminder that if you have the inclination to do some technical writing, we’re looking for more of that around here at Frontend Masters Boost. Here’s an informational page about it. Reach out!

5 Tips For Writing A Great Technical Resume

By Emma Bostian on

How often have you scrambled to assemble a resume, only never to hear back from the company you applied to? You’re not alone. Often your resume competes against hundreds (or even thousands!) of other resumes. So…how do you get noticed? A resume isn’t something most people regularly update (even though we probably should). When you […]

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