
I’ve long been a GUI guy for using Git (šŸ”—). It just makes sense to me to clearly visually see an manipulate the files I’m staging and committing, seeing nice lists of current branches and PRs at a glance, and seeing the diffs and conflicts in a dedicated UI. But I get it, a lot of developers are just terminal people. They are very comfortable there and can do anything I can do (probably better).

I just found out about Lazygit, and am finding it a fascinating in-between of command-line Git and GUI Git. A TUI, if you will, a Terminal User Interface, which I’m just now understanding is a thing. Some people totally love it, and I’m giving it a bit of a whirl for fun.

Oh, and speaking of TUIs, if you were interesting in building one, the tools available at are pretty mind-blowing.

Wanna really learn Git?

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