
Chris Coyier Chris Coyier on

Just saw and played with Cursorful, a browser plugin for recording nice looking videos of using websites. The trend of videos that zoom and pan based on what you’re interacting with is pretty neat I think. As web builders, I feel like we’re constantly showing short videos of the sites, whether it’s to clients, customers, the world, or to our own team. Might as well do it nicely.

I think it’s particularly cool that Cursorful does it as a browser extension rather than a native app, and you aren’t limited to recording just the browser, it’s whatever screen you “share” like Zoom or whatever. But if you like native apps as well, check out Screen Studio (macOS only) which is not free but extremely well done.

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One response to “Cursorful”

  1. pd says:

    Anybody who only cares about the Chrome monopoly, despite all the effort and distress caused by the sea change to WebExtensions, really needs to take a good hard look at themselves.

    Firefox support isn’t even in their roadmap.

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