A CSS-Powered Add/Remove Tags UI

Checkboxes and labels used to have to be right next to each other to be a potent UI duo. You could do trickery like this:

<label for="toggle">Toggle</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="toggle">
<div></div>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
#toggle:checked + div {
  /* Do something fancy in here with a toggleable on/off state */
}Code language: CSS (css)

But now, thanks to :has() in CSS, we’re not beholden to that structure anymore. We can :has() it all, as it is said. Now that these HTML elements have some autonomy, without losing their connection to one another, a lot can be achieved

Using this as a base concept, we can build a tag management component operated entirely in HTML & CSS.

A Tag Component with Interactive HTML

<label> is an interactive element that can trigger its controlled element. For instance, when we click a <label> paired with an <input type="checkbox"> the checkbox’s :checked state toggles.

A combo with a <label> allows us to design a toggle UI that can be operated from two different locations on a page (both the label and the checkbox). The controlled element is in one location and the label is in the other.

How far and how independent these two locations have to be from each other for the duo to work used to be limited, since labels can’t directly inform us which state their controlled element is currently in. For that, we have to ask the controlled element itself each time, and keep the label close to the element, so the label can be accessed in CSS during the element’s state change.

That was the case before.

Because of modern CSS standards like Grid, :has() selector and such, there’s much more freedom now between the source code arrangement in the HTML and our ability to reach any element in CSS.

  <label for="one">One</label>
  <label for="two">Two</label>
  <label for="three">Three</label>

<p>Arbitrary DOM</p>

  <input type="checkbox" id="one">
  <input type="checkbox" id="two">
  <input type="checkbox" id="three">
</div>Code language: CSS (css)
body:has(#one:checked) p {
  background: pink;
body:has(#two:checked) p {
  background: lightgreen;
body:has(#three:checked) p {
  background: lightblue;
}Code language: CSS (css)

In this article, I’ll be using checkboxes, labelsand :has() selectors to design a UI where you can add and remove “tags”. The UI will have a set of tags to select from, and a set of tags that have been selected. Clicking a tag in one set removes it from one area and makes it appear in the other set. It’s a functionality that’s perfect for checkboxes and labels to take on. Using the :has() selector means, I can keep the two set of tags in as much of a distance or depth from each other as I want, which in turn provides a lot flexibility.

Although the :has() selector can be used in many ways, in this article we’ll focus on its ability to target an element containing a specific child element. The parent is mentioned before the colon (:) and the child is mentioned inside the parentheses of has(). For example, p:has(> mark) selects all elements that have at least one direct descendant that’s a <mark>. Another example, div:has(:checked) selects all <div> elements that have at least one descendant (direct or not) element that’s in a checked state, like a radio or checkbox.

Now that we’ve got the basics covered. Here’s the final demo we’ll be working towards. We’re going to use movie genres as our tags.

Let’s get started.

HTML Construction

There are two parts:

  1. One part nests the checkboxes
  2. The other, their labels

Because we’ll be designing a cluster of tags of movie genres, a script is set up to add the checkboxes and labels for each genre to the HTML.

The script uses HTML <template> to build the new elements off of. This is to prove that you could build all of this dynamically with arbitrary tags from a data source. You can use any method you prefer or not use script at all and directly build the HTML. You’ll see the full source code in a moment.

  <!-- Plus tags (tags to be included) will render here -->

  <!-- Minus tags (tags already included) will render here -->

  <!-- The tags' templates -->
  <span class="plus"><input type="checkbox" /></span>
  <li><label class="minus"></label></li>
</template>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
const template = document.querySelector('template').content;

const div = document.querySelector('div');
const ul = document.querySelector('ul');

const genres = ["Adventure", "Comedy", "Thriller", "Horror"];

for (let i = 0; i < genres.length; i++) {
  /* get a clone of the template's content */
  let clone = template.cloneNode(true);

  let checkbox = clone.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]');
  /* add id to the checkbox */
  checkbox.setAttribute("id", `c${i + 1}`);
  /* add genre text to the plus tag */
  checkbox.parentElement.innerHTML += genres[i];
  /* add plus tag to the div on page */

  let label = clone.querySelector("label");
  /* add "for" attr. to the label */
  label.setAttribute("for", `c${i + 1}`);
  /* add text to the minus tag */
  label.innerText = genres[i];
  /* add minus tag to the ul on page */
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In the script:

  1. A set of genres (tag values) is stored as an array
  2. For each item in the genres array, a new clone is created from the template that has an empty plus (checkbox) and minus (label) tag, as seen inside the <template> in HTML
  3. The empty tags’ text and attributes are filled using the genres item’s value and index
  4. Finally, the filled tags are added to their respective containers on the page — <div> and <ul>

Here’s how the HTML source code will look like once the page renders:

  <span class="plus"><input type="checkbox" id="c1">Adventure</span>
  <span class="plus"><input type="checkbox" id="c2">Comedy</span>
  <span class="plus"><input type="checkbox" id="c3">Thriller</span>
  <span class="plus"><input type="checkbox" id="c4">Horror</span>

  <li><label class="minus" for="c1">Adventure</label></li>
  <li><label class="minus" for="c2">Comedy</label></li>
  <li><label class="minus" for="c3">Thriller</label></li>
  <li><label class="minus" for="c4">Horror</label></li><
</ul>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
  1. The parent of each checkbox is .plus. They are meant to be the tags that are yet to be included. It’s sectioned off inside a <div>
  2. Each label is .minus — the tags that are included. These are arranged in a list inside a <ul>

CSS Tag Management

Let’s look at the the key CSS rules first, then we’ll simplify it. This provides the core functionality of the tag management.

/* Remove all minus tags initially */
li { display: none; } 

/* Remove a plus tag, if it's checked */
    display: none; 

/* Remove a minus tag, if its plus tag is checked */
:has(#c1:checked) li:has([for='c1']),
:has(#c2:checked) li:has([for='c2']),
:has(#c3:checked) li:has([for='c3']),
:has(#c4:checked) li:has([for='c4']) {
    display: revert; 
}Code language: CSS (css)
  1. Initially, the list items (li) with the .minus tags are not displayed. It means the user hasn’t selected any tag to be included yet
  2. When user selects a tag — i.e. checks a checkbox (:has(input:checked)) — its parent element, .plus, is removed with display: “`none`
  3. And the corresponding .minus label’s parent (ex. li:has([for='c1']) is made visible with display: revert

Note: The CSS keyword revert changes a property value to its browser default

To automate the selector listing at the end of the above CSS snippet, I’ll add those rules in the script itself, so that it doesn’t have to be hard-coded in CSS. Again, the whole point here is proving this can all be dynamically generated for your own set of tags if you wanted. If you don’t prefer script, you can leave it as it is in CSS or use a CSS framework, whichever works for you. The following is a continuation of the previous JavaScript snippet, where only the code added now is shown.

const style = document.createElement('style');

for (let i = 0; i < genres.length; i++) {
  /* ... */
  style.sheet.insertRule(`:has(#c${i+1}:checked) li:has([for='c${i+1}']) { display: revert; }`);

/* a clear view of the CSS rule string from the above snippet */
`:has(#c${i+1}:checked) li:has([for='c${i+1}']) { display: revert; }`
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

In the above script: A new style is added to the page, and to this style a css rule for each genres items is added. The css rule is same as in the css snippet from before. Here the id values are dynamically generated.

CSS Tag Styling

Let’s style the tags’ appearance:

.minus {
  display: inline-block;
  height: 1lh;
  padding-inline-end: 1.5em;
  border-radius: 4px;
  border: 1px solid currentColor;
  text-indent: 10%;
  font-weight: bold;
  &::after {
    display: block;
    width: 100%;
    margin-block-start: -1lh;
    margin-inline-start: 1.2em;
    text-align: right;
  &:hover {
    box-shadow: 0 0 10px white, 0 0 6px currentColor;
.plus {
  position: relative;
  color: rgb(118, 201, 140);
  margin-inline: 0.5em;
  &::after {
    content: "+";
.minus {
  color: rgb(95, 163, 228);
  &::after {
    content: "\02212";
input[type="checkbox"] {
  width: 100%;
  height: inherit;
  border-radius: inherit;
  appearance: none;
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  margin: 0;
label {
  cursor: pointer;
}Code language: CSS (css)
  1. The .plus and .minus tags are colored and bordered. Each has a pseudo-element (::after) to add the “+” and “-“ icon next to it, respectively
  2. The checkbox’s default appearance is removed and is made to fill the area of its container element, so the entire container is clickable

CSS Dynamic Notification

Notification messages can be displayed to the users in certain circumstances, and this can also be done entirely in CSS:

  1. When no tags are selected
  2. When at least one tag is selected
  3. When all tags have been selected
ul {
  &::before {
    display: block;
    text-align: center;
    margin-block-start: 1lh;
  :not(:has(input:checked)) &::before {
    /* has no checked boxes */
    content: "No tags included yet";
  :has(input:checked):has(input:not(:checked)) &::before {
    /* has atleast one checked and unchecked boxes */
    content: "Following tags are included";
  :not(:has(input:not(:checked))) &::before {
    /* has no unchecked boxes */
    content: "All tags are included";
}Code language: CSS (css)

In the above CSS nested code snippet:

  1. & represents <ul>. Hence &::before means ul:before
  2. :has() and :not(:has()) represent when the root element (the page) contains a given selector (mentioned inside the parentheses) and when it doesn’t
  3. input:checked is a checked box
  4. input:not(:checked) is an unchecked box

And here’s what’s happening in the code:

  1. ::before pseudo-element is added to the <ul>. This serves as the notification area
  2. When the page has no checked element, 'No tags included yet' is displayed
  3. When the page has at least one checked and one unchecked box, 'Following tags are included' is shown
  4. When the page doesn’t have any unchecked box, 'All tags are included' appears

Tip: Instead of the root element you can scope the code to a common parent, too. Ex. using main:has() instead of :has(), when <main> is a common ancestor of the two group of tags

Here’s the final demo:


Because there’s so much independence between the two set of tags, it frees you up in styling the tags however you like. You can embed the tags in sentences if you want, or you could have as many elements in between them as you want without worrying. For as long as the user is well informed by the design the purpose of the tags, and which ones have been selected, and which ones remain unselected, design them however you feel like.

Bonus: You can even use CSS counters to add a running count of selected and unselected tags, if you want. Read on CSS counters for a similar use case here.

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