JavaScript Fatigue Strikes Back

Chris Coyier Chris Coyier on

Allen Pike “after about a decade away from regularly writing JavaScript” comes back to take a look. I think these points are all correct:

  1. React has evolved from a little experiment thought to boost performance, into a sprawling ecosystem thought to hinder performance.
  2. Platform features like ES Modules, fetch, view transitions, and async/await have made the web a nicer platform to build directly for
  3. Serverless has gone from a wild new idea to well-understood
  4. Cursor is especially good at working in TypeScript, which mostly eliminates boilerplate tedium
  5. Modern build and packaging tools like vite, pnpm, and esbuild have made the tooling around JS nicer and much faster
  6. All of the above has taken universal JS – sharing code between the client and the server – from barely-possible to well-supported

The goal was to see if there was an obvious (boring, trodden) framework, and the answer is… kinda?

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