What They're Saying About Us

I'm truly impressed with the quality of the instructors, top-notch! Also, the casual tone of the course is great because it's suitable for all levels and still keeps your attention without being too boring or academic. Everything runs super smoothly and the transcriptions are a huge plus – so helpful! Loving it all! 🤩
Rita Iglesias Gandara
Rita Iglesias Gandara
Frontend Masters just keeps on giving us amazing workshops. The ROI I've gotten from this platform using it over the years is immeasurable. Worth every dollar.
Austin Akers
Austin Akers
There isn't another place that has the same quality and is consistent in quality across all courses as Frontend Masters.
I take this opportunity to thank Frontend Masters for massively shaping my career. If it weren't for them, I doubt if I could be where I am today.
Olvine George
Olvine George
I have been promoted to a Senior Frontend Developer!

It would be wrong to not shout out Frontend Masters, the coursework there increased my skills a lot more than I initially thought, I can’t recommend it enough.
Adomas Liutkus
Adomas Liutkus
Senior Front-End Developer @ NordLayer
Frontend masters really nailed the course subscription model with regular course updates and great content in their platform.
If you are really interested in honing your skill as a dev, the best thing you can do for yourself is to subscribe to Frontend Masters.

IMO, no learning resources online beat what you get from Frontend Masters.
Yusuf Lanre
Yusuf Lanre
If you are serious with being more competent with your web development skills and you can afford, get a Frontend Masters subscription.

1 course on FrontendMasters is worth 10 Udemy courses.
Kelvin Omereshone
Kelvin Omereshone
My decision to get a Frontend Masters subscription is paying off - not just because it gives me a binge-worthy way of refreshing knowledge in core areas but also because the instructors are pros - so you get to learn how to craft courses effectively as well 😍
Nitya Narasimhan, PhD
Nitya Narasimhan, PhD
TBH I owe my entire career to Frontend Masters, content is GOLD, usually explained and taught by top notch devs. IMHO worth every penny 👀
Robert Borghesi
Robert Borghesi
Frontend Masters should be in every developers tool kit.

- Wide range of course topics
- World class teachers
- Full learning paths to go from zero to hero.
Will Thomson
Will Thomson
I think I should subscribe to Frontend Masters for life. The courses are super rich and on point. Never had this level of satisfaction with any education platforms.
Negar Jamalifard
Negar Jamalifard
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