
TypeScript Courses

Write scalable, maintainable, and error-free JavaScript with TypeScript. Learn TypeScript through courses and resources from Frontend Masters.

Enterprise TypeScript

Configure your TypeScript codebases for scalability, empowering large teams to collaborate more effectively! Learn how to set up, maintain, and evolve TypeScript libraries, manage migrations from JavaScript, and implement testing strategies for types.
5 hours, 10 minutes CC
Enterprise TypeScript
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Intermediate TypeScript, v2

Dive into TypeScript's powerful features, including complex types, nullish values, ES modules, and advanced generics. Learn about namespaces, classes, top and bottom types, and conditional and mapped types.
5 hours, 3 minutes CC
Intermediate TypeScript, v2
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TypeScript 5+ Fundamentals, v4

TypeScript adds a powerful type system to JavaScript, adding type aliases, union/intersection types, and generics. Migrate to TypeScript, enhancing code reliability and error detection in your codebase.
5 hours, 12 minutes CC
TypeScript 5+ Fundamentals, v4
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Advanced Redux with Redux Toolkit

Steve Kinney
Write more performant and maintainable Redux at scale. In this course, you'll use Redux Toolkit to simplify reducer logic and actions, use TypeScript with Redux, add tests, and use RTK Query to fetch data in real-world projects.
3 hours, 51 minutes CC
Advanced Redux with Redux Toolkit
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React and TypeScript, v2

Steve Kinney
Use TypeScript with Components, Context API, React Hooks, and type props to build more robust and reliable React applications at scale.
4 hours, 31 minutes CC
React and TypeScript, v2
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Intermediate React, v5

Learn to build scalable React applications using the latest tools and techniques. Topics include hooks, TailwindCSS, code splitting, server-side rendering, TypeScript, Redux Toolkit, and testing with Vitest.
6 hours, 6 minutes CC
Intermediate React, v5
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TypeScript and Vue 3

Ben Hong
Learn to integrate TypeScript with Vue's options API and the Vue 3+ composition API.
3 hours, 6 minutes CC
TypeScript and Vue 3
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The Last Algorithms Course You'll Need

The last algorithms course you’ll need to pass tough interview questions that use arrays, lists, trees, graphs, maps, and searching and sorting algorithms.
9 hours, 20 minutes CC
The Last Algorithms Course You'll Need
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Polyglot Programming: TypeScript, Go, & Rust

Bend your mind with programming a fully unit tested CLI application in three TypeScript, Go, and Rust back-to-back!
8 hours, 49 minutes CC
Polyglot Programming: TypeScript, Go, & Rust
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Fullstack TypeScript (feat. GraphQL & Node.js)

Generate TypeScript code based on a GraphQL schema. Combine TypeScript and GraphQL's type systems to create full-stack, fully-type-checked codebases.
3 hours, 11 minutes CC
Fullstack TypeScript (feat. GraphQL & Node.js)
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Making TypeScript Stick

Get hands-on practice using advanced TypeScript concepts. Test your knowledge through quizzes, challenges, and even a TypeScript game show!
3 hours, 59 minutes CC
Making TypeScript Stick
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JavaScript and TypeScript Monorepos

Monorepos have taken the JavaScript world by storm, unlocking powerful new patterns around composition, encapsulation, and ease of maintenance.
3 hours, 46 minutes CC
JavaScript and TypeScript Monorepos
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