Server-Side JavaScript

Server-Side JavaScript Courses

Learn to write server-side JavaScript with a variety of platforms including Node.js and Deno with courses and resource from Frontend Masters.

Introduction to Node.js, v3

Scott Moss
Superfilter AI
Learn the foundations of Node.js and server-side JavaScript to build custom CLIs, manipulate files, create servers, and more. Take your JavaScript skills to the next level and become a full-stack engineer!
4 hours, 12 minutes CC
Introduction to Node.js, v3
drag handle

API Design in Node.js, v4

Scott Moss
Superfilter AI
Use Express to build a REST API Design in Node.js – read and update from a Postgres database using Prisma and TypeScript.
7 hours, 4 minutes CC
API Design in Node.js, v4
drag handle

Advanced Remix

Kent C. Dodds
Professional Trainer
Build Remix web apps with advanced techniques: understand mutations, use optimistic UI, build server-intelligent UI components, give feedback as users navigate your app, and handle focus management.
3 hours, 18 minutes CC
Advanced Remix
drag handle

Remix Fundamentals

Kent C. Dodds
Professional Trainer
Build static websites and dynamic web apps with Remix. Learn how to fetch data, leverage nested routing, eliminate pending states, and handle errors in Remix.
3 hours, 55 minutes CC
Remix Fundamentals
drag handle

Deno First Look

Burke Holland
Take a first look at Deno, the new command-line runtime for JavaScript. Click to learn a fundamentally different approach to run JavaScript on the deno server.
3 hours, 50 minutes CC
Deno First Look
drag handle

Building Applications with Vue & Nuxt

Build dynamic web applications with Vue and Nuxt! In this course, you’ll build out a variety of projects leveraging the tools in the Vue ecosystem.
4 hours, 14 minutes CC
Building Applications with Vue & Nuxt
drag handle

Advanced GraphQL, v2

Scott Moss
Superfilter AI
Learn GraphQL topics like authentication, handle errors, and adding tests. Then access realtime data using subscriptions.
3 hours, 25 minutes CC
Advanced GraphQL, v2
drag handle

Digging Into Node.js

Kyle Simpson
You Don't Know JS
Learn the fundamental concepts of Node.js programming: CLI programming, file system access, asynchrony, HTTP servers & routing, and database persistence.
4 hours CC
Digging Into Node.js
drag handle

The Hard Parts of Servers & Node.js

Will Sentance
Uncover the most challenging, yet most powerful features in server Node.js, to help you write and debug professional server code.
5 hours, 16 minutes CC
The Hard Parts of Servers & Node.js
drag handle

Networking and Streams

Learn the stream node module. Code readable, writable, transform, duplex streams. Plus code TCP, HTTP, and Websocket servers and clients using Node.js.
3 hours, 7 minutes CC
Networking and Streams
drag handle