Aviron Software, Microsoft MVP
Programming Language Courses
Build software optimized for certain tasks and environments with different programming languages. Learn new programming languages through courses and resources.
Building APIs with C# and ASP.NET Core
Build a robust API with C# while leveraging the power of ASP.Net Core! Architect reliable JSON-based API routes with data validation and unit testing.

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C# and .NET Basics
Aviron Software, Microsoft MVP
Explore the C# language while working with common .NET tools. Learn to create abstract and concrete classes, use inheritance and interfaces, work with extension methods and LINQ.

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Complete Intro to SQLite
Learn SQLite, the world’s most widely-deployed database. Learn SQL syntax, performance and scaling strategies. Build real-world apps with Node.js integration.

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PHP Basics
Independent Consultant
Get up to speed quickly with PHP for web development. Learn syntax, OOP, API creation, database integration, and build real-world projects. Ideal for beginners with basic programming knowledge.

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TypeScript 5+ Fundamentals, v4
TypeScript adds a powerful type system to JavaScript, adding type aliases, union/intersection types, and generics. Migrate to TypeScript, enhancing code reliability and error detection in your codebase.

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Basics of Go
Independent Consultant
Get an introduction to Go. Learn basic syntax like variables, constants, data types, and creating and importing packages. Get hands-on with all the necessary features of Go to get up to speed with the language quickly!

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Java Fundamentals
Java Champion
Learn Java, one of the most popular programming languages in the world, especially for enterprise applications! Learn object-oriented and functional programming through hands-on coding challenges.

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Rust for TypeScript Developers
Expanding your skills with Rust can be a game-changer for TypeScript developers. Rust offers memory safety without a garbage collector, impressive performance, and a strong type system similar to TypeScript.

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Complete Intro to SQL & PostgreSQL
Using the popular PostgreSQL database, you'll learn to set up, model, and query your data through real-world projects.

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Polyglot Programming: TypeScript, Go, & Rust
Bend your mind with programming a fully unit tested CLI application in three TypeScript, Go, and Rust back-to-back!

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The Rust Programming Language
Go from zero Rust knowledge to being able to build your own complete Rust programs with Frontend Master's complete Rust course.

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Web Assembly (Wasm)
Learn foundational, low-level programming such as binary, hexadecimal, array buffers, memory management, and unsigned integers.

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Practical Guide to Python
In this Python course, you're going to learn how to structure your programs with functions, loops, logic, and objects and end the course using the Django framework.

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Building Your Own Programming Language
Learn language building techniques: Lexing, Parsing, Tokenization, Traversing Abstract Syntax Trees, and Transpiling to JavaScript and make your own language now!

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Intermediate Python
Utilize comprehensions to manipulate large quantities of data, Python's OO system, how to approach error handling, and how to utilize a web framework in your application.

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Python Fundamentals
Create and run simple Augment Python programs, including working with the available data types, writing functions and classes, and much more. Read more!

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Advanced Elm
Join JS and Elm expert Richard Feldman in the "Advanced Elm" course. Learn how to organize and scale your Elm applications with authentication, css-in-Elm, and more!

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Introduction to Elm, v2
Learn how to write applications with the Elm, the functional programming language, from the ground up. Read more!

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