
Next.js Courses

Create full-stack React apps with the Next.js Framework. Learn to build Next.js apps through courses and resources from Frontend Masters.

Headless CMSs with Next.js

Scott Moss
Superfilter AI
Master headless CMS integration in Next.js. Learn content modeling, GraphQL queries, dynamic routing, and previews. Build a fully functional website with Contentful and explore advanced caching techniques.
3 hours, 30 minutes CC
Headless CMSs with Next.js
drag handle

Intermediate Next.js

Scott Moss
Superfilter AI
Dive deeper into Next.js concepts including server actions, route protection, caching strategies, and advanced data fetching. Build a full-stack app with React 18+ features and optimized performance.
3 hours, 31 minutes CC
Intermediate Next.js
drag handle

Server-Side GraphQL in Next.js

Scott Moss
Superfilter AI
Craft schemas, interface types, and resolvers while building a custom GraphQL API with Next.js.
3 hours, 32 minutes CC
Server-Side GraphQL in Next.js
drag handle

Build an AI-Powered Fullstack Next.js App, v3

Scott Moss
Superfilter AI
Create a full-stack AI-powered Journal app from scratch in Next.js. See how all the pieces of Next.js/React fit together to deploy your app to the world!
7 hours, 34 minutes CC
Build an AI-Powered Fullstack Next.js App, v3
drag handle

Introduction to Next.js, v3

Scott Moss
Superfilter AI
Next.js is a full-stack framework built on top of React.js. Learn the app router, server and client components, and server actions and create everything from basic blog websites up to full-stack apps and APIs.
4 hours, 27 minutes CC
Introduction to Next.js, v3
drag handle