
Functional Courses

What is Functional Programming and how does it differ from OOP and Imperative? Learn about functional programming through a variety of courses and resources.

Functional JavaScript First Steps

Anjana Vakil
Software Engineer & Educator
Learn core functional programming course and code everything with pure functions, learning recursion, higher-order functions, closures, and function composition.
3 hours, 54 minutes CC
Functional JavaScript First Steps
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Enterprise Architecture Patterns

Build non-trivial enterprise-level web applications through first-principles thinking applied to programming in JavaScript and TypeScript.
5 hours, 39 minutes CC
Enterprise Architecture Patterns
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Hardcore Functional Architecture Patterns in JavaScript

Brian Lonsdorf
Learn functional programming architecture patterns to apply, such as Monoids, Monad Transformers, Free Monads, and Lenses. See functional programming in action!
4 hours, 10 minutes CC
Hardcore Functional Architecture Patterns in JavaScript
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Hardcore Functional Programming in JavaScript, v2

Brian Lonsdorf
Learn functional programming concepts such as pure functions, currying, composition, functors, monads, and see functional concepts in action!
3 hours, 44 minutes CC
Hardcore Functional Programming in JavaScript, v2
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The Hard Parts of Functional JavaScript

Will Sentance
Go under the hood of powerful techniques like: Higher Order Functions, Function Composition, Pure Functions, and Immutability of State.
4 hours, 54 minutes CC
The Hard Parts of Functional JavaScript
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Functional-Light JavaScript, v3

Kyle Simpson
You Don't Know JS
Improve your JavaScript by applying functional programming concepts like function purity, point-free, partial-application, currying, plus even more advanced concepts.
10 hours, 1 minute CC
Functional-Light JavaScript, v3
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Advanced Elm

Join JS and Elm expert Richard Feldman in the "Advanced Elm" course. Learn how to organize and scale your Elm applications with authentication, css-in-Elm, and more!
4 hours, 59 minutes CC
Advanced Elm
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Introduction to Elm, v2

Learn how to write applications with the Elm, the functional programming language, from the ground up. Read more!
5 hours, 6 minutes CC
Introduction to Elm, v2
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