Code Editors

Code Editors Courses

Become more efficient and productive by learning popular Code Editors. Learn about code editors through courses and resources.

VIM Fundamentals



Learn the basics of editing and navigation in VIM. You'll learn macros, registers, find, and replaces. Finally, edit your vimrc plugins along with quickfix lists.
4 hours, 14 minutes CC
VIM Fundamentals
drag handle

Visual Studio Code Can Do That?

Burke Holland

Burke Holland

Dive into VS Code to customize your editor, refactor and debug code. Learn how to work with data and git …all within the same editor!
3 hours, 35 minutes CC
Visual Studio Code Can Do That?
drag handle

Visual Studio Code

Learn about Visual Studio Code— a modern, full-featured code editor built from the ground for the needs of web developers.
4 hours, 59 minutes CC
Visual Studio Code
drag handle