
Asynchronous Courses

Write faster and more efficient JavaScript. Learn about asynchronous programming through a variety of courses and resources.

Professional JS: Features You Need to Know

Maximiliano Firtman
Independent Consultant
Upgrade your JavaScript knowledge with post-ES6 features. Learn modern syntax, async programming, and advanced JavaScript features.
4 hours, 33 minutes CC
Professional JS: Features You Need to Know
drag handle

Reactivity with SolidJS

Ryan Carniato
SolidJS Creator
SolidJS uses its Reactivity to make fine-grained subscriptions which only update parts of the DOM on changes, instead of doing heavy DOM diffing.
4 hours, 32 minutes CC
Reactivity with SolidJS
drag handle

Rx.js Fundamentals

Steve Kinney
Learn the foundations of Rx.js and master handling events over time using observables and operators to build ambitious asynchronous UIs. Build skills like manipulating data streams and orchestrating multiple API requests in this in-depth course from Frontend Masters.
3 hours, 57 minutes CC
Rx.js Fundamentals
drag handle

The Hard Parts of Asynchronous JavaScript

Will Sentance
Gain an intuitive understanding of asynchronous features of JavaScript in ES6+: iterators, generators, promises, and async/await!
4 hours, 46 minutes CC
The Hard Parts of Asynchronous JavaScript
drag handle

Advanced Asynchronous JavaScript

Know how Javascript is asynchronous and use features and techniques that will help you reduce code and create more innovative applications. Learn more!
3 hours, 34 minutes CC
Advanced Asynchronous JavaScript
drag handle

Rethinking Asynchronous JavaScript

Kyle Simpson
You Don't Know JS
Effective asynchronous JavaScript means knowing various different patterns and weaving them together to write readable and understandable code. 
6 hours, 22 minutes CC
Rethinking Asynchronous JavaScript
drag handle

Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript (with Rx.js Observables)

Learning how to build and manage asynchronous programs is perhaps the most important part of becoming an effective JavaScript programmer.
9 hours, 38 minutes CC
Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript (with Rx.js Observables)
drag handle