3D Courses
Create interactive, visually engaging and 3D web experiences. Learn 3D through courses and resources for JavaScript, Web, and WebXR.
Game Development with Unity for Web Developers
Learn to make a complete video game with the Unity game engine and C# programming language. You’ll make a physics sandbox, handle user input, add UI, materials, lighting, and effects. Then compile your game to WebGL.

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3D on the Web & WebXR
Learn to add 3D experiences to your websites using JS libraries. Also learn the new WebXR device APIs for creating VR and AR experiences on the web.

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Advanced Creative Coding with WebGL & Shaders
Go deeper into creative coding and 3D graphics programming using WebGL, ThreeJS, and GLSL. In this course, you'll learn 3D vectors and shader effects.

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Creative Coding with Canvas & WebGL
You'll learn about generative art, interactive animations, 3D graphics with ThreeJS, and custom shaders in GLSL. Apply creative coding skills to real-world jobs.

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