All Teachers / ThePrimeagen

My name is ThePrimeagen and I love Vim. I have become deeply passionate about loving the developing experience and sharing that with others! Vim is a tool that brings an infinite amount of tweaking, making your development experience the exact way you want it. And yes, my wife is beautiful. Father of 4.
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ThePrimeagen's Courses
My Dev Setup Is Better Than Yours
Maximize your productivity with the best developer setup. Hand-craft an environment with bash scripts and incorporate common unix tools for managing libraries, interacting with the OS, window management, and more.

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Everything You'll Need to Know About Git
Never face an unsolvable Git problem again. Understand Git's architecture, branching, conflict resolution, and advanced techniques like interactive rebasing, bisecting, worktrees, and the reflog.

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The Last Algorithms Course You'll Want (Part 2)
Elevate your technical prowess in data structures and algorithms, focusing on trees, graph theory, and dynamic programming. Learn practical implementation and optimization techniques to solve complex algorithmic challenges efficiently.

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Are you wanting an alternative to complicated UI frameworks? Make web app development simpler using HTMX. Using Go on the backend, you’ll learn the grug way (it’s just HTML, btw) for building interactive web experiences!

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Blazingly Fast JavaScript
Learn advanced JavaScript performance optimization: garbage collection, memory profiling, data structures like sets and arrays, and event loop management. Learn performance-driven programming, preparing you to write blazingly fast and efficient code!

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Rust for TypeScript Developers
Expanding your skills with Rust can be a game-changer for TypeScript developers. Rust offers memory safety without a garbage collector, impressive performance, and a strong type system similar to TypeScript.

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The Last Algorithms Course You'll Need
The last algorithms course you’ll need to pass tough interview questions that use arrays, lists, trees, graphs, maps, and searching and sorting algorithms.

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Polyglot Programming: TypeScript, Go, & Rust
Bend your mind with programming a fully unit tested CLI application in three TypeScript, Go, and Rust back-to-back!

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A Tour of Web 3: Ethereum & Smart Contracts with Solidity
Web 3 (DApp) applications could change the development landscape. Learn to create and deploy smart contracts on Ethereum with Solidity. Then tackle challenging concepts such as memory layout, delegate calls, and fallback functions.

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VIM Fundamentals
Learn the basics of editing and navigation in VIM. You'll learn macros, registers, find, and replaces. Finally, edit your vimrc plugins along with quickfix lists.

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What They're Saying
Really enjoyed the content of this course and the way Prime got me thinking of my own dev environment. I was following along on a Windows machine so I couldn't follow 1:1 but using his ideology I was able to create a Powershell script instead of a bash one to basically get my dev-env going. I think the course is just as good as teaching new tech as it is teaching new ideas on how to utilize your own tools your way.

Jalen Straka
I wish more courses like this existed... how one great developer does things!
Fábio Fortkamp
Just plain fun. This course brought me a whole lot of enjoyment. For me, it was not even about the tools that the Primeagen shows, but about the message: having fun building your own tooling/dev setup and building it how you want it. I would highly recommend this course.

Paul Semmler
It was the best purchase I have made so far. I enjoy learning VIM so much with ThePrimeagen. This guy is incredible. My experience with Frontend Masters so far has been fantastic.

Ivan A.
This git course is really excellent. I use git every day and knew the basics well enough, but this really helped solidify what’s under the hood rather than go through the motions.

Javid G.
Amazing course! Easy to understand. A profound, and a great choice for us as developers!

Diego Escaño
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