All Teachers / Richard Feldman
![Richard Feldman](https://static.frontendmasters.com/assets/teachers/feldman/thumb.webp)
Richard Feldman
Richard is the creator of the Roc programming language, the host of the Software Unscripted Podcast, and the author of “Elm in Action” from Manning Publications. He’s written a lot of JavaScript, dating back to the pre-jQuery days, but since 2015 has spent more time writing Elm, Rust, and Roc. Over the years he’s created several popular Elm packages, including elm-css, elm-test, and elm-json-decode-pipeline; the JavaScript seamless-immutable library; and a fully-featured programming language compiler in Rust.
Workshops with Richard Feldman
C Fundamentals
Go from zero C knowledge to building a simple (and ridiculously fast) static web server in this workshop!
![C Fundamentals](https://static.frontendmasters.com/resources/2025-04-01-c-fundamentals/thumb.webp)
Building a Static Type-Inferring Compiler
Spend a full day learning to build a static type-checking compiler with Richard Feldman!
![Building a Static Type-Inferring Compiler](https://static.frontendmasters.com/resources/2025-04-03-static-type-compiler/thumb.webp)
Richard Feldman's Courses
The Rust Programming Language
Go from zero Rust knowledge to being able to build your own complete Rust programs with Frontend Master's complete Rust course.
![The Rust Programming Language](https://static.frontendmasters.com/assets/courses/2021-05-11-rust/thumb.webp)
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Advanced Elm
Join JS and Elm expert Richard Feldman in the "Advanced Elm" course. Learn how to organize and scale your Elm applications with authentication, css-in-Elm, and more!
![Advanced Elm](https://static.frontendmasters.com/assets/courses/2018-10-18-advanced-elm/thumb.webp)
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Introduction to Elm, v2
Learn how to write applications with the Elm, the functional programming language, from the ground up. Read more!
![Introduction to Elm, v2](https://static.frontendmasters.com/assets/courses/2018-10-17-intro-elm/thumb.webp)
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What They're Saying
I just completed "The Rust Programming Language" by Richard Feldman on Frontend Masters! Amazing course delivered in such a playful manner.
![Abdullah 🦀](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1756870363659554816/HpDRkOF1.jpg)
Abdullah 🦀
Just completed the rust lang course by Richard Feldman - it has the best explanation of how memory management works in rust (ownership, borrowing, lifetimes) 👍
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