Richard Feldman
Vendr, Inc.
Richard is the creator of the Roc programming language, the host of the Software Unscripted Podcast, and the author of “Elm in Action” from Manning Publications. He’s written a lot of JavaScript, dating back to the pre-jQuery days, but since 2015 has spent more time writing Elm, Rust, and Roc. Over the years he’s created several popular Elm packages, including elm-css, elm-test, and elm-json-decode-pipeline; the JavaScript seamless-immutable library; and a fully-featured programming language compiler in Rust.
I just completed "The Rust Programming Language" by Richard Feldman on Frontend Masters! Amazing course delivered in such a playful manner.
Abdullah 🦀
Just completed the rust lang course by Richard Feldman - it has the best explanation of how memory management works in rust (ownership, borrowing, lifetimes) 👍