Marcy Sutton Todd
Principle Studios
Marcy Sutton Todd is a Senior Frontend React Engineer at Principle Studios, a strategic consultancy and digital product shop. In her 15+ year career Marcy has worked as an accessibility engineering consultant, taught workshops, led the Learning team at Gatsby, worked on the axe-core and Angular frameworks, and much more. Marcy’s focus on access and user experience was recognized by O’Reilly in 2016 with a Web Platform Award. When away from the keyboard, Marcy can be found caring for her family, exploring mountains, lifting heavy weights, and cooking yummy food.
Just finished the Web App Accessibility Course from Frontend Masters and really liked it. Marcy Sutton Todd did such a great job explaining topics that you might have heard before and thought they were a bit dry in a manner that you want to jump back at your keyboard to test and optimize your apps for a better accessibility. Definitely learned a lot from this one.
Peter S.
Software Developer | Bug Hunter
Highlighted in Marcy Sutton Todd workshop on Frontend Masters, "accessibility debt" in frontend software engineering is a concept akin to technical debt. It represents the added cost and complexity that accrue when accessibility is not integrated from the beginning of a project. This concept underscores the challenges and expenses that arise when accessibility is treated as an afterthought, rather than a foundational aspect of software development.
The key to managing accessibility debt is integrating accessibility (a11y) principles from the ground up. By addressing accessibility debt proactively, we not only create more inclusive products but also ensure a smoother, more sustainable development process.
Zubin K.
Software Engineer