All Teachers / Kadi Kraman
Kadi Kraman

Kadi Kraman


Kadi is a Software Developer at Expo with over a decade of experience in web and app development in various consultancies. For the past 5+ years she has specialized in React Native, currently leveraging her expertise at Expo, helping build the framework for developing the best universal applications with React Native. Kadi is also a proficient educator, having delivered workshops, given talks, authoring blog posts and documentation, with a strong focus on React Native.

Kadi Kraman's Courses

Intermediate React Native, v2

Use React Native and Expo to create, customize, and deploy professional-grade mobile apps for iOS and Android, covering advanced UI, state management, and native device features.
4 hours, 44 minutes CC
Intermediate React Native, v2
drag handle

React Native, v3

Use your React skills to build feature-rich, native mobile apps for iOS and Android using React Native and Expo.
4 hours, 35 minutes CC
React Native, v3
drag handle

What They're Saying

Awesome Course featuring interesting tools of react-native👨‍🎓
Khairul Islam
Khairul Islam
Honestly, a really good get started quickly guide on React native and Expo. Worth watching for anybody looking to get into RN.

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