Evgenii Ray

Evgenii Ray


Hi, my name is Evgenii, and I currently work as a Staff UI Engineer at Meta. My journey in tech started in backend engineering, where I soon discovered a passion for the dynamic and fast-paced world of JavaScript & UI engineering. I had a chance to work at JetBrains, which allowed me to contribute significantly to developing exceptional tooling for software engineers and crafting complex UI applications focusing on user experience and performance. I strongly believe in the power of knowledge being accessible to all. This led me to start my own YouTube channel in my spare time. I share content on Frontend Engineering, particularly in designing complex systems and web performance.

Upcoming Workshop with Evgenii Ray

May 29, 2024 - 9:30am to 5:30pm Central Daylight Time

Fundamentals of Frontend System Design

Focus on the fundamentals of Frontend System Design using Vanilla JavaScript, the DOM, Browser APIs, Design Patterns, and Networking Protocols.
Fundamentals of Frontend System Design