All Teachers / David Khourshid
David Khourshid

David Khourshid


David Khourshid is a Florida-based web developer for Microsoft, a tech author, and speaker. Also a fervent open-source contributor, he is passionate about JavaScript, CSS, animation, innovative user interfaces, and cutting-edge front-end technologies. When not behind a computer keyboard, he’s behind a piano keyboard or traveling.

David Khourshid's Courses

CSS Animations and Transitions

Learn CSS transitions, animations, custom properties, data attributes, choreography, animation states, layout animations, and reactive animations with a little bit of JavaScript.
4 hours, 14 minutes CC
CSS Animations and Transitions
drag handle

State Machines in JavaScript with XState, v2

Learn the fundamentals of state machines and statecharts. You'll build state machines without any libraries in pure JavaScript, then use XState to read more.
4 hours, 8 minutes CC
State Machines in JavaScript with XState, v2
drag handle

State Modeling in React with XState

Explore using XState and React together to model state in real-world React apps. State machines make complex application logic visually clear, flexible.
4 hours CC
State Modeling in React with XState
drag handle

What They're Saying

There is an excellent XState course on Frontend Masters
Baptiste Devessier

Baptiste Devessier


Awesome course! Lots of stuff I have not tried before. I hope there will be a follow-up course to this one with David, I need more 🀩
Andrea Abrahamsen

Andrea Abrahamsen


Delving into more advanced topics like choreography I got a chance to learn how to orchestrate animations so that the user experience is intuitive and feels natural.
Michael Duren

Michael Duren


Such a good course by David, he clearly explained about animations, I don't fear doing animations on my own without any frameworks. Thank You David



Great course! πŸ‘ Covers all the cool parts of XState in detail: actions, context, guards, compound / parallel / history states, and actor model
Ahmed Rizwan

Ahmed Rizwan


I recently learned State machines and state modelling in react using XState on frontend masters by David Khourshid. This was really good. Very well presented! Their VS Code extension is also amazing.
Adnan Sheikh

Adnan Sheikh


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