All Teachers / Burke Holland
Burke Holland

Burke Holland


Burke Holland is a front-end developer living in Nashville, TN; the greatest city in the world. He enjoys JavaScript a lot because it’s the only way he Node to Express himself. Get it? Never mind. Burke blogs only slightly better than he codes and definitely not as good as he talks about himself in the third person. Burke works on the Azure team at Microsoft on behalf of JavaScript developers everywhere.

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Burke Holland's Courses

Deno First Look

Burke Holland
Take a first look at Deno, the new command-line runtime for JavaScript. Click to learn a fundamentally different approach to run JavaScript on the deno server.
3 hours, 50 minutes CC
Deno First Look
drag handle

Visual Studio Code Can Do That?

Burke Holland
Dive into VS Code to customize your editor, refactor and debug code. Learn how to work with data and git …all within the same editor!
3 hours, 35 minutes CC
Visual Studio Code Can Do That?
drag handle

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