Check out a free preview of the full Web Performance Fundamentals, v2 course

The "Introduction" Lesson is part of the full, Web Performance Fundamentals, v2 course featured in this preview video. Here's what you'd learn in this lesson:

Todd Gardner introduces the course by providing an outline and explaining why it is important for websites to be fast. He also discusses the different metrics used to measure web performance and the tools and techniques used for testing and improving performance.


Transcript from the "Introduction" Lesson

>> Todd Gardner: Hello, thanks for joining me today. We're gonna have some fun. We're gonna talk about web performance, why your site needs to be fast, how fast it needs to be, and how to get it there. Does that sound good? Awesome, let's get started. Okay, here's how we're gonna break down this workshop.

We're gonna talk for a while about the importance of web performance, why you need it, why you should focus on it. Then we're gonna talk about measuring it, and this is gonna get really in depth. We're gonna talk about all the different metrics, all the different ways you can collect this data, and what this data means.

Then we're gonna talk about testing and tools. We're gonna talk about the common things you'll use to do web performance work. We'll talk about setting appropriate goals for your website, how fast your site needs to be. And how we're gonna spend a lot of time focusing on improving web performance.

For each metric, how fast does it need to be, and what are tactics that you'll use to get your website there? Along the way, we got a couple of bonuses, we're gonna talk about how to read a waterfall chart, how to read a flame chart, and some basic information about statistics and data.

Which are not necessarily web performance related, but they're really going to help you in understanding the tools and understanding your data. What are you gonna need for this? If you wanna follow along with our examples, which you don't necessarily have to, but the course, it will be a lot better if you do.

You're gonna need a Github account. You're gonna need a recent version of Google Chrome, but anything you see might be a little different if you're running a newer or an older version of it. Because the Chrome team changes these sort of things around a whole lot.

And our example app is gonna run on Node 20. It might run on older, it might run on newer, it definitely runs on 20. Our example application is this e-commerce store. If you wanna pull it down, you can get it at There's probably also a link somewhere in the course.

You'll pull down the Github repo, npm install, get everything going. If you're watching the recording of this, you probably wanna pause now and download that and get it going. Who am I? My name is Todd. I have been a Software Engineer in one form or another since 2002, so, a long time.

I'm an old timer. I've been at Frontend Master since 2017. I've been doing Frontend Masters courses for a long time. Outside of that, I'm also a consultant and a trainer. I've worked for a lot of big corporations, I've done trainings at a lot of conferences and a lot of private corporations.

And I founded two software as a service companies. I also founded a company called TrackJS, which does JavaScript error monitoring. So I learned all kinds of things about how JavaScript fails and how to fix it. Probably more relevant to our course today is my second company, which is called Request Metrics, which is web performance monitoring.

So I help companies all around the world improve the performance of their websites and their web applications and see all different ways that websites get slow. And I've condensed a bunch of learning from that over the past five or six years into this course today. If you wanna get in touch with me, learn more about me and what I do, you can get me at, or this URL link, it's got contact information for me, my socials, all the stuff I do.

That's how to get in touch with me.

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