Web Components

Wrapping Up

Web Components

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Dave concludes the course by sharing some final thoughts about the future of web components.

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Transcript from the "Wrapping Up" Lesson

>> If you have more questions, that's fine. You can reach out or whatever, we can figure that out. [LAUGH] But wrapping up, I just wanted to kinda make just a couple points. Web components build into the web platform. Your custom elements, we saw it through the reusability, right?

You can just give somebody a custom element. They didn't have to install a new tooling. You're not building into Zach's framework. You're not building into Google's framework. You're building into the web. We can just share web things with each other. Kind of like what we're doing with spicy sections, your web components can provide blueprints for richer native elements, whether that's tabs, accordion, select menu, list box.

Your web components are a little bit closer to how the browser would operate, right? And it's native web tech. We don't have to put React in the browser just to get your idea in the browser. These are native web tech. And I've even seen through open UI, I've seen elements that are coming out and they are using the part syntax.

So that under the hood, they're kind of basically just a web component. I don't think they are, but they're using that part syntax to let you target specific pieces of the UI of the date picker or the popup, the select menu or something like that. So that's all very interesting.

This stuff is kinda now informing how actual HTML might work, not just Shadow Realm stuff. So these blueprints, if you make them and it's tested and there's test suites and there's demand for it, they can maybe be built. And I think if we had tabs elements, if we had accordion elements, if we had all this stuff that made it easier to build a website without just installing everything, you didn't have to be a computer scientist just to make a website.

I think that would make a big difference for the web. It'd be more inclusive, allow more people to participate. Allow anyone [LAUGH] moms, grandmas, everyone to kind of build the website of their dreams. And I think that's really important. And I think the goal is still to have a web for everyone.

So with that, let's build a web for everyone. So thank you, and I hope you make cool stuff. Thank you.

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