Making TypeScript Stick

3 hours, 59 minutes CC
Making TypeScript Stick

Course Description

Cross the gap from simply knowing TypeScript basics and how to read TypeScript code to being able to tackle new, challenging TypeScript problems. You'll go through a series of challenges designed to reinforce your knowledge and make the important TypeScript concepts truly "stick" in your mind. Test your knowledge through quizzes, challenges, and even a TypeScript game show!

This course and others like it are available as part of our Frontend Masters video subscription.


What They're Saying

I just completed "Making TypeScript Stick" by Mike North on Frontend Masters! I now feel so much more confident about leveraging the powers of TypeScript in making scalable applications.
Ankit Kaushik
Ankit Kaushik
I just completed "Making TypeScript Stick" by Michael North on Frontend Masters! It was fun & insightful course for me, like finally able to see "oh that is how you use TypeScript with some edge cases!". really great, thanks!
Ridho Febriansa
Ridho Febriansa
I just completed "Making TypeScript Stick" by Mike North on Frontend Masters! This is a tough course but I need to get familiar with utility types and build types with keyof, typeof and extends.
Connie Leung
Connie Leung

Course Details

Published: May 10, 2022

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Table of Contents


Section Duration: 6 minutes

Intro Quiz

Section Duration: 23 minutes
  • TypeScript Basics Quiz
    Mike walks through the first few questions from the introduction quiz that focus on TypeScript basics. TypeScript fields, immutable values, and a fill-in-the-blank question regarding how to expand a string are covered in this segment.
  • Primitive Types Quiz
    Mike discusses questions from the introduction quiz regarding primitive types. The union of the two primitive types, string and number, results in a never, whereas the interface types String and Number do not.
  • Async vs Promise Quiz
    Mike walks through the last question from the introduction quiz regarding the order of execution when it comes to async functions and promises. If a promise has been resolved it does not mean the corresponding .then or await is called immediately.

Recent TypeScript Features

Section Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes

Compiling TypeScript

Section Duration: 51 minutes


Section Duration: 1 hour, 8 minutes

Example Exercise

Section Duration: 13 minutes

Wrapping Up

Section Duration:

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